Here are the Kawaii Halloween characters that we featured on the Joy of Crafting Show this month and that I blogged about back in August. I showed how to make the Vampire character on the show but we've been getting a lot of questions on how to make the other characters so I'm going to break it down here on the blog.
I only used 2 types of adhesive. Meriken Double Stick Tape was used for the larger pieces of paper and it's a nice strong product. The Sakura Quickie Glue Pen was perfect for taking care of all the smaller more delicate pieces of paper and I was very pleased that it also worked well when I used it on the vellum. I was also able to use the glue pen in it's removable glue format when I had to double punch some shapes to create gills or widow's peaks!

These are the tools used to make the eyes. On the top we have the EK Success Paper Shapers circle punches in sizes 5/16 inch and 1/2 inch, I wanted 2 different size eyeballs because I thought it would look more comical. On the bottom are the Fiskars Cushioned Grip Hand Punches in 1/8 inch and 1/4 inch circles, these are used to put in the highlight spots in the eyes to give it that anime look. If your eyes are going on top of a white background then you can use the hand punches to cut out the spots directly on the eyes, otherwise use them to punch a bunch of white paper circles and glue them onto the eyes with the glue pen. The 5/16 eye will only take one 1/8 inch circle highlight while the 1/2 inch eye will take one each of the 1/8 and 1/4 inch circle highlights.

The Marvy Uchida Clever Lever Craft Punches are the Item of the Month for October at all of our Ben Franklin Craft stores so it's a great time to pick them up! Since they come in a variety of basic shapes and sizes I found them perfect to create the different characters. The blue colored ones are the 2 inch size that are perfect for the main portion of the face on the candy bags.
On the left from the top is a large nail clipper (yes, that's right) which I used to make the fur on the wolf man, please use a brand new pair not only for sanitary reasons but also to get a nice clean curve on the paper. Since I'm new to paper crafting I wanted a consistent curve and I just didn't trust my skills with working the scissors free hand.
Next is the Fiskars Paper Edgers in Seagull, this was used to create the streak in the Bride of Frankenstein's hair.
Then we have Fiskars Cushioned Grip Hand Punch in 1/4 inch heart, a pair of scissors and finally the Fiskars SureCut Paper Trimmer pictured on the right.
Now for the characters themselves! I already told you how to make the eyes so I'm going to skip the details on that. If you are making these for the candy sticks then you will need the character face as well as a backing because the top of the candy stick will get sandwiched between the pieces for a secure end result. The backing can be the same color and size of the main portion of the head.
For the Mummy use the blue colored Marvy Uchida Clever Lever Craft Punch 2 inch circle, you will need 2 circles in white card stock (1 for the face and 1 for the back). Using the paper trimmer, cut strips of white vellum for the bandages. The strips don't have to be consistent in width, I think variety looks better but I kept it below 1/4 of an inch wide and 2 1/s inch long. Using the glue pen, attach first the eyes and then the bandages. Don't worry, the glue goes on blue but dries clear and the ends of the bandages should protrude beyond edges of the face. Once the glue is clear, trim down the ends of the bandages around the face.
For the Creature From The Black Lagoon, use the blue colored Marvy Uchida Clever Lever Craft Punch 2 inch circle, you will need 2 circles in mossy green (1 for the face and 1 for the back). Use the 2 inch round and 2 inch heart punches on darker green card stock to make the widows peak by first punching a half circle, place it onto a piece of scratch paper with removable glue (remember the glue pen can be permanent or removable) and then line it up in the heart punch to get the peak. Use the glue pen to attach first the widow's peak and then the eyes.
Use the green colored Marvy Uchida Clever Lever Craft Punch 1 inch heart to create the double bump shape that's used for the gills (dark green) and the eyebrows (moss green). By lining the paper along the edges of the bows on the top of the heart, you can create this shape. Use the glue pen to attach the eyebrows, the dip of the eyebrows should line up and be slightly above the dip of the widow's peak.
Use the blue colored Marvy Uchida Clever Lever Craft Punch 2 inch heart on mossy green card stock to make 2 hearts. Use the glue pen to attach the gills, the bows of the gills should be opposite of the bows of the hearts and dips should barely touch. Use double stick tape to attach the hearts to the back of the face, line the edge of the face to the bows of the gills.
Use the EK Success Paper Shapers circle punches in sizes 5/16 inch on pink card stock to create the lips. First punch a 5/16 inch circle, attach to scrap paper with removable glue and then line within the same punch to trim the circle down to an oval shape. Repeat this process with the EK Success Paper Shapers circle punches in size 1/2 inch onto the darker green card stock and keep the piece of trim. Use the glue pen to attach the trim to the pink oval (about the center) and then the pink oval to the dark green oval. Now attach the mouth to the face with the glue pen.
For the skull girl, use the blue colored Marvy Uchida 2 inch circle punch on white card stock to make 2 circles.
On pink card stock, use the orange colored Marvy Uchida punch to make 2 hearts and the EK Success paper Shaper 5/16 inch circle to make 1 circle. Put a piece of double stick tape on the back of the circle and then attach to the points of the 2 hearts to create a ribbon bow.
Use the Fiskars Cushioned Grip Hand Punch in 1/4 inch heart onto black card stock to make the nose.
Use the glue pen to attach the bow, the eyes, and the nose (be sure to have the heart upside down).
Use the Fiskars SureCut Paper Trimmer to cut a rectangle about 1 x 1/2 on white card stock. Use the paper trimmer to then cut black card stock in a strip about 1/8 inch wide and 1/4 inch long. Use the glue pen to attach to the white rectangle so that it looks like teeth. Use double stick tape to attache to the bottom of the skull.
For Frankenstein, use the paper trimmer to cut green card stock into 2 rectangles that are 2 x 3 1/4 inches, black card stock into a rectangle that is 2 x 1 inches (his hair), a strip of black card stock that is around 1/16 inch wide (stitches), green card stock into 2 rectangles 1/2 x 1/4 inch and a strip that is 3/16 inches wide and 3 inches long (electrodes).
Take the rectangle of hair and use scissors to cut jagged bangs across one side. Use double stick tape to attach to the top of his head.
Trim the black strip so you have a 1 inch piece and 3 that are about 1/4 inch. Use the glue pen to make stitches running at an angle onto his forehead.
Use the glue pen to attach his eyes.
Use the EK Success Paper Shapers circle punch 1/2 inch to make a 1/2 circle in purple card stock for his mouth, attach with glue pen to his face.
Glue a 1/2 x 1/4 inch rectangle to each end of the 3 inch strip, then glue to the back of his head.
For the Wolf Man, use the blue colored Marvy Uchida 2 inch circle punch onto dark brown card stock to make 3 circles (2 for his mane and 1 for the backing). Use the blue colored Marvy Uchida 2 inch heart punch onto beige card stock to make 1 heart (his face). Use double stick tape to attach the 2 rounds to the back of the heart, the point of the heart should not have any dark brown behind it. Use the nail clipper to create fur points along the outer edges of the mane.
Use the green colored Marvy Uchida heart punch onto medium brown card stock to make 1 heart, cut this in 1/2 to create 2 teardrops that will be his ears. Use the Fiskars Cushioned Grip Hand Punch in 1/4 inch heart onto pink card stock for 2 hearts and onto black card stock for 1 heart. Use double sided tape to attach the ears to his face, use the glue pen to attach a pink heart into each ear (heart should be upside down). Use the glue pen to attach the eyes and the black heart upside down for the nose.
Use the paper trimmer to cut white card stock into a rectangle that is 3/4 x 1/2 inch. Use the scissors to trim fangs along one side and then attach to the chin with double stick tape.
For The Bride of Frankenstein, use the blue colored Marvy Uchida 2 inch circle punch onto light green card stock to make 2 circles. Use the paper trimmer to cut a rectangle from black card stock that is 2 x 4 inches. Use the Fiskars Paper Edgers in Seagull on white card stock to create 2 strips that are about 1/8 inch wide and 4 inches long. Use the glue pen to attach the white strips onto the black rectangle about 1/2 inch in from the edge. Use double stick tape to attach a green circle to one end of the rectangle. Use the Fiskars Paper Edgers to trim the other end of the rectangle.
Use the EK Success Paper Shapers circle punch 1/2 inch onto black card stock to create her eyes and attach with the glue pen.
Use the Fiskars Cushioned Grip Hand Punch in 1/4 inch heart onto pink card stock to make her mouth and attach with the glue pen.
For Dracula, use the blue colored Marvy Uchida 2 inch circle punch to make one circle in white card stock (face) and another in black card stock (for the back).
Create the widow's peak onto black card stock with the blue colored Marvy Uchida 2 inch circle punch and 2 inch heart punch. First punch a half circle, place it onto a piece of scratch paper with removable glue and then line it up in the heart punch to get the peak. Use the glue pen to attach the widow's peak and the eyes.
Use the EK Success Paper Shapers circle punch 1/2 inch to make a 1/2 circle in pink card stock for his mouth. Use scissors to cut 2 triangles along the straight edge of the mouth, the negative space will make it appear to be fangs. Attach to the face with the glue pen.
Well, I hope this helps but if you still have questions then please stop by our store and we'll help you out!
I'll see ya later!
Lynn @ Mapunapuna BFC