Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Fun Felt Dolls

Today we'll be introducing a simple little craft with felt and yarn. What's great about making your own dolls from these materials is how simple it can be and how unique you can create it. These are fantastic for customizable gifts.

Here are the Materials you will need:
   Black/brown and pink embroidery thread (For face details)
   Fiberfill stuffing
   Both regular sewing needles and embroidery thread needles (these have a larger eye)
   Construction paper and pencils (these are for making your doll patterns.)
   Pins (to pin your felt to your patters.)

Additional items if desired:
   Needle threader

All your supplies can be bought at Housemart Ben Franklin Crafts! Here are a few sample products that are available.

First step:Cut out shapes you'd like to create for your Felt Dolls. Hair? Eyes? Clothing? All of the above ^_^

The examples above was using construction paper. Once those are cut out to your liking, you can use chalk to outline these patterns onto your felt so you may cut them. Arrange your eyes, accessories and clothes on the doll and sew the necessary pieces onto both front and back pieces. Using the pins, to keep the felt pieces together does help. 

Second step: sew the front and back pieces together, leaving room for stuffing to go in.

Third step: Stuff it with fiberfill and sew the last hole shut.

This is pretty much the steps in a nutshell.

Here are two cute finished dolls. The one on the left does not have any fiberfill, while the one on the right is stuffed. (If there are any World of Warcraft fans out there, it's a night elf.)
Fun Felt Dolls!!!!!
Have fun and keep on crafting!

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