Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Tinted Mason Jar

Hi, Everyone!  Today we're going to learn how to tint mason jars.  Although it can get just a little messy, especially if doing this with kids, it's super fun and easy to do.

Here's what we'll need:
Mason Jar (I used a jelly jar.)
Icing Coloring (Pictured: Christmas Red)
Mod Podge (Gloss)
Wooden popsicle stick or spoon
Small container for mixing

First, you're going to mix a tablespoon of the coloring gel with about three tablespoons of water.  You could alter the amount of coloring gel.  The more gel you use, the darker the tint will be.
Mix well until all gel is dissolved.

To this, you're going to mix four tablespoons of Mod Podge,  Then, pour the mixture into the jar and swirl it around. Pour the excess back into the mixing bowl and place the mason jar upside down onto some old newspaper or cardboard to dry.  The time it takes for your mason jar to dry will depend on the temperature of your house.  The warmer it is, the faster it will dry.  This one took about 5 hours.

Here's the finished product!  Add some ribbon and embellishments and you will have your very own, one-of-a-kind colored mason jar. Have fun experimenting with colors.  The possibilities are endless!

Erika @ PC

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